Kojack hydraulic jack with lever and bubble levelers.
Kojack hydraulic jack with levelers.
This model of hydraulic jack adapts to 99% of caravans.
The brackets are designed to fit onto the vehicle frame as they allow you to easily and effortlessly load and level your caravan, without the need to drill holes into your caravan frame.
"Wherever you park your motorhome or caravan, you can always have the perfect pitch."
You only have to connect the hydraulic jack to the anchor points, which are attached to its chassis.
The mounts bolt into pre-existing holes that are standard on most AL-KO and BPW frames.
It is also fully TUV CE certified and has a Safe Working Load (SWL) of 2000kg.
Kojack Game Includes:
A 2000 kg hydraulic jack.
Two chassis mounts with integrated spirit levels.
Lever game.